Monday, 3 June 2013

Standing Egg

Thanks to Bada for introducing Standing Egg to me. This is actually another awesome indie band from South Korea which instantly becomes my fave after Peppertones, 10 cm and J-Rabbit. If you're a "so into K-Pop music" person, and too much obsessed with those mainstream K-Pop artists, but you feel a little bit bored with them, then you're like going to find a remedy for such feelings, then give this band a listen!

All the songs in their entire albums that I've listened (too often listened), they're just incredibly beautiful. I can't find a better word to say. This band mostly make songs with a strong and dominant Pop element, and they blend it with few Jazzy touches and some hints of light Bossanova kisses. Which turned out soooo good. It's dope! Trust me. And one thing I like the most is that this band produces some best ballad songs, and they did the collaboration with some featured singers who have beautiful unique voices. My most favorite ballad songs from Standing Egg are: 핫사리 아파 (featuring 한소현 from 3rd Coast) and 내일은 잊을거야 (featuring

I still don't know much about the band history, members, and things related to them. Since there's not much informations I could get through the internet. And there is one thing that confused me a lot, that the main vocalist (the male singer) who did the recent live performances (2012-present) is not the one who appeared on every Standing Egg MV. As much as I know, the good-looking guy in their MVs was the main vocalist and he has known by his stage name, Clover. So since then I always thought that Clover was the Egg 1 (the frontman of this band).

Until then, last week I found a YouTube Channel (I forgot the channel's name), and it has some Standing Egg's live performance videos (live show at kind of TV station) and when I watched it, I was like "what? Is this Clover? He looks so much different. Or maybe Clover wasn't the Egg 1, and this is the real Egg 1. What a riddle one band could have?!" when I recognized the male vocalist in the show was not Clover. He wore glasses, look more mature (way mature than Clover), and he has chubby cheeks :3. But the confusing thing is that this guy has an exact similar signature husky voice, just like what Clover has. He sang La La La, Little Star, 사랑한다는 말, and one more song, which I forgot the title hahaha.

I'm just getting curious now, and wondering who the real male singer was, on that band. Lol. Actually this is way far from my main topic in this post. Which here, I was only going to recommend this band as another nice option to listen. Seriously, this band is worth to listen and worth to be adored ❤

Oh and they also captured some great photo works on their instagram, their blog, and their facebook. And few days ago, I've participated a fan project with some friends I met on tumblr, and my drummer's younger sister, to make a fan photos to be sent to Standing Egg. I have a lot of photo stocks that were stacking in my laptop for years, so I sneaked to it to find nice photos and I made several fan photos for Standing Egg, which are related to some of their songs, and their latest album, Ambler, that comes in a sweet spring theme.

So, here is my most fave one:

And I decided to instagram it, and I also mentioned Standing Egg's instagram account and guess what? They liked and even left a comment down below the photo! I'm such a happy proud girl now. The feeling is like when Iga Massardi (former Guitarist of The Trees and The Wild) viewed my instagram profile and he liked my spamming picture of toasts with fried egg as my late (very late) dinner. Yes. It's the same exact feeling. (Crazy Groupie habit detected).

So, that is all for this morning. Hope you'll like Standing Egg too like us.

Bada, Jūra, and Mare

Sunday, 2 June 2013


Hi, this is me, Jūra. I'm sorry for being unproductive lately. Well, in this post, I will share something that is changing. No, it is not me who have changed, and it is exactly not my last assignment's topic which has changed. Neither do we as Bada, Jūra, and Mare No definitely, nothing has changed with us.

Well, a few days ago I visited my 4-year-old deviantART page which I've made since I was still at high school. I browsed the gallery, took a glance at some photos and then something came across my mind. That this profile was just having some trashy and selfie photos to be displayed, and it annoyed me very much, because back then I was lack of knowledge and reference on photography. So my deviations were looked so so so trashy to me. I never captured a professional photo until now, though, but I guess some of the new pictures I've had in my library now were a little bit conceptual. Or maybe is it just me who's too late to recognize that I could submit deviations with some conceptual touches by thinking more before deciding to give the captions of them and adding some stories on the description. Ugh.

And then I had the urge to edit my submitted deviations. But I was to lazy to edit them back from the scratch. It will take much time, while I still have an urgent thing to finish (my last assignment before graduation). And I had only at least one or two hours of such "cheat time" on that day. So I made another good option and it's more practical to do than have to like turn the world over. This is it: I made another account.

Yep another account, another username. So my 4 yo page has its unique-emo-hardcore-punk-style alay username, it was littlepromqueen. There was a long story why I named the account with this name, but one exact thing that influenced me so much in giving that name was just because I really adore some hardcore emo screamo metalcore and punk bands. And for this name I was inspired by a melodic metalcore band from Australia, it's I Killed The Prom Queen. Maaaan their band name was just awesome to me back then when I was still a highschooler. LOL.

After thirty minutes of thinking a quirk name, I decided to pick my signature name on my blog, it was an Icelandic phrase, sagalifsmins (it was actually written: Saga Lífs Míns), which in English means The Story of My Life. It simply tells the readers (or watchers in terms pf deviantART) that everything I would post on blog, tumblr, or photo blog such deviantART, was related to my life, and my life has thousand stories. I always have this point of view, that someone's life is a story, or maybe a great history, and a story or history has to be shared to any other people so, that is the proof that we are exactly living, that we were once ever exsited in this world. So that was the thing behind the my signature alias name on the internet. And I hope by changing account, my unprofessional photo works would be considered more meaningful and inspiring by the people who see them.

So guys please take a tour to my dA gallery by clicking this link.