Saturday, 21 December 2013

A life of a newbie Jobseeker

Just wanna share a little update about myself this past few months since its getting rusty in this blog hehe. So life has been good, but somehow has been lacking of spark I would say. Dont get me wrong, I always try to be positive about everything, including life in general, I just feel like there's something missing in it. I guess its because of my current status ( hey its nothing about being single or so ). I've had my thesis defens last month, and since then my life has been entering its new phase. I'm officially welcoming my post-graduating period with all the thrilling future dreams and the struggle to achieve them. Welcome to jobseeker world!. 

For me, being a jobseeker has been exciting and nerve-wracking. Exciting as it gives you freedom to actually act to get your dream job and fight for it, but on the other hand it could also be nerve-wracking to wait for the right opportunity to come ( goshh, its even more nerve-wrackingly stressing when you missed or not eligible for the job you've been expecting ). Well, I'll take this as a part of life process and an opportunity to value patience. Earlier this month I went to Jakarta the motha fucka to attend my first ever jobfair. It was sick, the jobfair was like a Jewish holocaust camp packed with people. All of them were mostly fresh grads like me, looking for a better future. Hope that I will be the few chosen ones to make it through the first selection cut. I was on my errand as a jobseeker for 5 days in there, I was there with Jura also, and we spent most of the time as a duo combating the crazy Jakarta's traffic everyday. I was back to Jakarta again after a week, also for jobseeking purpose ( what else would I do there ). This time it was a second selection process. It went OK, and I just hope that they see me hire-able. 

Aside from being a jobseeker, I spend my hella plenty of freetime reading books, watching series, reality shows, and learning how to make pompadour styled hairstyle through youtube videos ( pardon the very last thing ), basically anything that doesnt require money. I've been reading two books this past month, Titik Nol by Agustinus Wibowo, and a motivation book by Rene Suhardono, Your Journey to be Ultimate U. Those books were awesome and somehow matched my current circumstance that need some encouragement. Such inspiring books to keep you going and encouraged. I've also been watching How I met Your Mother from the first season, as I grow older I noticed how this show is getting more hilarious. I've also been obsessed with Dad where are you going, a korean reality show. It gave me so much laughter watching all the kid casts do innocent things kids would do.

So, thats it from me. I hope everything will get better for everyone of us. Oh and we're getting closer to the end of 2013. Wow, time flies like no kidding, I feel like its only yesterday I'm back from Korea in the end of 2012 and its already the end of 2013. Happy new year guys :)


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